The Suptech Marketplace. Сhoose a tool:

The SupTech Vendor Database is a dynamic, web-based tool to explore and connect with solution providers who have been active within the global suptech market.
Features & Benefits:
SupTech Vendors.
A central, up-to-date database of vendors is regularly monitored and updated by a robust team of researchers.
Vendors can directly contribute to this ever-developing database by listing their company or claiming an existing entry
Simplicity of Use.
Easy navigation and search with filters such as use cases, technology, and location.
A cluster representation of use cases linking to vendors enhances interpretation of search results.
Jump to existing solutions for a use case through seamless mapping with Suptech Solutions Tracker
Collaboration Features.
Meet the recommendations generated by Digital Suplesh Diagnostic by matching vendor capabilities and off-the-shelf solutions to internally diagnosed needs,
then select one or more vendors to reach out to with requests for information, procurement notices, and more

The SupTech Solutions Tracker has been designed to allow users to navigate our global catalogue of financial authorities' suptech solutions by use case, status, and geography.
Features & Benefits:
SupTech Solutions.
This living catalogue of solutions is regularly monitored and updated by a robust team of researchers.
Financial authorities can also directly contribute to this ever-developing catalogue by sharing new solutions
User-Friendly Interfaces.
We provide easy navigation and search with filters such as use cases, current status, technology, and location.
A cluster representation of use cases linking to financial authorities enhances interpretation of search results.
Jump to relevant solutions partners for a use case through seamless mapping with Suptech Vendor Database
Cross-Jurisdictional Learnings.
This tool complements recommendations generated by Digital Suptech Diagnostic by offering supervisors the opportunity to learn about solutions implemented by peer financial authorities globally.