Change Log
Index changes
The CBECI follows the semantic versioning guidelines available at The two latest versions (excluding patches) will be maintained by the team, with the dataset available for download below.
v1.1.0 – 26 April 2023 08:00 GMT
This release features the following:
An index page providing estimates on Ethereum's GHG emissions, electricity mix, and emission intensity.
We have presented the results using graphics which can be conveniently viewed at various intervals. Moreover, the data can be downloaded in CSV format.
An index page providing estimates on Ethereum 1.0's GHG emissions
We have presented the estimates using graphics which can be conveniently viewed at various intervals. Moreover, the data can be downloaded in CSV format.
A detailed description of the applied methodologies for Ethereum and Ethereum 1.0 GHG emission estimates.
To ensure complete transparency, we have included a detailed outline of our methodology and the data sources used.
A dedicated comparison segment for Ethereum.
To contextualise our findings, this segment compares Ethereum's GHG emissions to various use cases.
Update of About CBNSI segment
v1.0.0 – 26 April 2023 08:00 GMT
Launch of the Cambridge Blockchain Network Sustainability Index (CBNSI)
This release features the following:
An index page providing estimates on Ethereum's power demand and annualised electricity consumption.
We have presented the results using graphics which can be conveniently viewed at various intervals. Moreover, the data can be downloaded in CSV format.
An index page providing estimates on Ethereum 1.0's power demand and electricity consumption.
We have presented the estimates using graphics which can be conveniently viewed at various intervals. Moreover, the data can be downloaded in CSV format.
A detailed description of the applied methodologies for Ethereum and Ethereum 1.0.
To ensure complete transparency, we have included a detailed outline of our methodology and the data sources used.
A dedicated segment on Ethereum network analytics.
This segment comprises a map of the physical location of Beacon Nodes, a chart showing the number of identified Beacon Nodes and another showing the distribution of consensus client software.
A dedicated comparison segment for Ethereum.
To contextualise our findings, this segment compares Ethereum's electricity consumption to various use cases.
A dedicated segment about The Merge from an environmental perspective.
To provide an intuitive overview of the environmental impact of The Merge, this segment includes various infographics and interactive visuals.
A comprehensive expansion and revision of the existing FAQ section.
A publicly available list of Ethereum mining hardware.
We have updated the existing publicly available hardware list with performance and power consumption data of Ethash mining hardware.